Undermine journal
Undermine journal

The site’s most exciting feature is that it can send you notifications via email or RSS Feed. The seller information toward the bottom is good for materials that you need large amounts of or buy often. This can give you the best idea of what an item is worth and its relative rarity without having to examine any of the extensive data on the page. In the video I explain the main simple pieces of information to look for on this page including the Market Price, Mean, and Region/Faction average data all available at the top of the page. Once you have navigated to your server and faction’s homepage (via the straightforward list) finding an item is as easy as searching for the item name in the search bar that appears at the top right of the page. The timing for the video was important because this month there have been discussions about a few of these features becoming premium paid services, and I want anyone to have the chance to see how useful a feature is before the money barrier is raised. There are three features I want to cover on the website and none of them require much time or understanding complicated graphs or charts.

undermine journal undermine journal

My first video hopefully tackles the first and second misconception listed to some decree by discussing one of the biggest resources to a gold maker – The Undermine Journal. One of the first roadblocks are misconceptions that “gold makers” have to spend most of their WoW time sitting in the auction house, they have to examine complicated data and devise formulas for selling, and they are all greedy making their money squeezing dollars out of the poor. There is a divide between those that will make money and those that will never have a large amount of money despite many options being added making it easier. Follow Ruls on twitter at If you would like to write a guest post for Power Word: Gold contact us at I first considered making a set of videos related to gold making I knew I wanted to first focus on demystifying the process. Today's guest post and video were created by reader (and erstwhile podcast guest and contributor) Ruls. The Undermine Journal - A Beginners Guide and Video

Undermine journal